I wish there was a voice record button to respond in that way I would have not procrastinated to respond to this as I have so many things to say😅. You made a valid point Joe that there is a risk of losing originality as the main idea behind AI is to train machines or algorithms to function like humans (WHICH ONES?). But this does not make it a replica of humans meaning that it works best when it is used to maximize skill and productivity but not to substitute it.
And if we relate this to your former job, the tasks you do on-site would still need a balance between the use of AI (automation) and human involvement to install, verify and to understand the principles before doing the job (the need to avoid the VSMR ALARM?). So using AI to create snags from the desk will just turnout to be Lu Fanbo ROLLER coaster as one would still need human assessment to make feasible decision relative to site. lol yeah I know I am a good listener. But for those S-builts you had to document, one definately needs an automated workflow to increase productivity.
I think the fear of the change and the unknown is making us focus more on the negative than the good side of AI. If you get the chance to read the book "Leading in the 21st Century: The Call for a New Type of African Leader"(my current read), you will realise that AI can be an answer to our African problems if our leaders invest in having our continent develop skills that would have most AI tools tailored to our needs. I think intergrating AI with our originality and creativity will make Africa more adaptive to this and give access to things that limited our progress and ambitions in the past.
I think the positive side of AI outweighs the negative as it also enhances creativity and preserve jobs. For instance, I have always admired Gloria's handbags (Link1 & Link2) and from my understanding following her content, she makes those bags to sell to local customers and most pre-order them. In an instance like this if Gloria wishes to start an online store or a website to reach a wider market ideally she will need to get a brand creator to brand it for her and a web developer to create a website for her.
But NOW we have AI tools that are automated to use as plug-and-play without really having to understand the source code. In this context instead of getting the two to help of which some end up wanting a percent share of her profit in exchange for their service. Yes, two guys now have their jobs opportunities at stake but Gloria now CAN ACCESS AI tools to help her maximize her potential and avoid being exploited for her hard work. Also if she wishes, she can also use AI tool to turn her post on how she made those bags to a voice reader and create a video within seconds and monetize it on youtube. In that way her creativity for making bags and her time get monetized three times thanks to AI.
As for privacy the internet era has exposed us to that already having hackers, fraudsters stealing our data through Apps and making users give permission for apps to access our data to gain access to apps or even websites. So AI is just adding another layer which is recognised and there are initiatives in place aiming to have AI regulated. AI is shifting opportunities around and I think we should aim not to be left behind.

Gloria should be part of this so she can send you some Hive for the ideas you've thrown around.
Perhaps we are concerned because AI is a new tech and we get too worried and slow to change, I'd like to see the positives outweigh the negatives that will be nice for humanity.
I will check out the ebook, Leading in the 21st Century sounds like one worth reading.
As for Lu Fanbo, he's been fired and somewhere in China creating snags list form he desk, as long as he remains in China, I stay happy.
😂 That's another level of exploitation. No hive needed a chance to shop for handbags from her website would be a great reward.
😂 Haha is he really fired? Wherever he is if he keeps his mindset he's surely replaceable and can be substituted by AI that one😂
Lol cool, I will let you ladies decide on that...
Apparently, he was fired for under-delivering, he is a clown with no clue about the job.