
Hello Idk, thanks for sharing your content. Just to let you know, the outreach initiative works with posts published using the Leo UI :)

My bad, thanks for pointing out.. it was lateee night and was really sleepy didn't had in mind at that time that it works with post published using this UI.

Thanks again.

It's okay to share it though. I just thought I'd let you know so you won't be wondering why your post was not curated 😉

I'm glad you did pointed this.. I'll be sure enough next time where it went wrong and yea, could also guide others now.

Thanks, Good day!!

2/🧵we've been taught success comes through the hardwork.

Ever since #childhood have heard stories of successful people becoming insanely successful cuz of #hardwork and all

3/🧵haven't heard someone become insanely rich because of luck, yeah a #lottery or #jackpot once in a blue moon in this whole world.

But when it comes to practical realistic life, experience teach you how things work.

4/🧵you start to see the difference where your hard work did paid off, where your efforts and all hardwork got wasted in vein..

I've shared about it in this blog.

Truly hard work pays. I love farming when I'm home with my parents and that makes me enjoy the harvest too.

Hard work pays off when it is combined with smarts and intelligence. Without those things, working hard just leads to dying at break even or dying broke.