
You dont really want to know what I see. I drank too much in the 1990s and that might have something to do with it.

Oh so thread is just bringing back in #nostalgia

Damn some real noice innovation.

Flashbacks might be more accurate.

yeah, you can clear from peakd

That's what doing now...But does that count in "threads number going up in list"?

Yes, me too, I even accidentally pasted a matched link into a campaign mission

Oh, hope so that quest has been approved as successful!

Same here. The notification page is a mess right now. They are working on it I believe

Oh, I've been like pranked couple of times seeing wall of notification 😂 hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Not just you. I do see it too. It delayed my response to replies when that happens

Ah, hopefully devs are aware and will work when they're available ..

I hope so too. It takes away the momentum from threading sometimes

Yes I have noticed it the last couple of days!

its not only you. they just pop out from nowhere.

Haha, got played by em 😂 was clicking on a notification that I've replied months ago lol