I'm curious to know
If you guys "Follow #Influencers in #Crypto"?
I'm writing a long form on this... I guess it'll be an interesting read for ya!
I'm curious to know
If you guys "Follow #Influencers in #Crypto"?
I'm writing a long form on this... I guess it'll be an interesting read for ya!
I don't follow anyone though, but I know some people who are following hard after influencers
Hard after influncaaarz "ah that never ends well.
It mostly end in tears.
Nope, I'm not the influenceable type.
I follow few legit ones
Legit one's are rare!
I know phew.
Not really... I mostly get my information on LeoFInance
oh that's Great!
Hehe, I found it's great to share infos here.