Whilst I was sleeping, Eric put a challenge for the top 10 threaders to reach 300 before the day ends. I didn't make it. So I'm gonna challenge myself to do better today. Who's with me? Let's keep the grind!
Whilst I was sleeping, Eric put a challenge for the top 10 threaders to reach 300 before the day ends. I didn't make it. So I'm gonna challenge myself to do better today. Who's with me? Let's keep the grind!
go for it
Yes, let's go!
gotta go harder hour on this sprint or you'll get left behind for sure
Let's go for that, I'll make an effort too, the race is difficult, the same luck for everyone
Hey Ramses, en la quest "the replier" recuerda que tienes que incluir el link a tres threads, no solo a uno!
Muchas gracias @leo.tasks no entendía muy bien esa misión gracias por aclarmela.
I'm not even close but I want to hope on it hahaha I never used twitter like really use twitter, so threads will be my OG war-zone!