These are indeed things that most miss when it comes to finances. Most don't realize these until it is a little too late. Savings is definitely not investing and never will. And I feel the same way that saving is the first step towards investment. Also learnt this from the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" where it was reiterated to save 10% of what we earn and then invest them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a great book on the fundamentals of wealth building! Often times, we just don't fully understand it but savings is just not investment. Savings is savings lol.
Thanks for contributing :)
It absolutely is. And true about savings. Some people still need to be educated about this. It would be great to teach children as early as possible so they won't repeat the same mistakes most of us did :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true. At least they'll have an edge early on in the financial journey. We've already made so many mistakes lol.
Yes, I wish they teach such in schools too hehe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta