Congrats Jackie and it feels summer today here too :) I love the warm weather it made me sleep most of the day, lol!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congrats Jackie and it feels summer today here too :) I love the warm weather it made me sleep most of the day, lol!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a lot @ifarmgirl 😊👋🏻
Hope you Saturday is great so far.
Good to hear the weather is better hahaha 🤣
The heat here is killing me, can’t think normal.
Enjoy your afternoon and evening further ☀️💃🏻
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You're welcome and thank you too :) Yes, I'm loving the warmth :) Sorry about the heat over there. Has your aircon been replaced yet?
Thanks, that’s kind of you.
Nope… that’s why I’m still suffering. Landlord wants a second opinion and that could not be done before Tuesday… 🥵🥵🥵
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Oh that's hard indeed. Your landlord is not decisive eh. Hope you get some relief from the heat.
It is, especially in a heatwave 🥵🥵 not funny.
He just doesn’t want to spend money.
Thanks, we are going to the mall (with cold air con) in a bit and stay there for some relieve. We need to go grocery shopping too. We decided we will take our time today to be out. Hahaha 🤣
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Stingy landlord eh, and to think that it's really a necessity. Hope he decides sooner.
Anyway, enjoy your time at the mall! Have fun too :)
Thanks, we will…
Talk later 👋🏻👋🏻💃🏻💃🏻☀️☀️
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