Thanks, @jk6276, for this glance at ecosystems I haven't got in touch with yet, and for the explanation regarding the Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool mechanism.
I know that Cosmos is building something that seems to prefigure what'll be the most efficient blockchain design for the next decade, and definitely have to jump down that rab-bit hole ;-)
The blockchain handling of commodity trade finance debt also triggered my curiosity. Do you think it's forerunning decentralized solutions for the commodities markets as a whole?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I like the Cosmos approach - instead of trying to build one blockchain to do everything, they are building an eco-system with many chains, able to link to each other through IBC. The approach appeals to me so much more than all the chains building layers on top.
It's a space I don't really know a lot about. It makes sense, but I'm probably not knowledgeable enough to comment. I hope so is probably the best answer I can give.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta