
i read the post. He really explain in detail the reason of his posting and who he want to serve. It have change my orientation and the quality of my post

I agree with him.
Creating quality contents require effort and. you have to source useful information and materials for your write up and also be able to organize it so that anyone who reads it will understand and be able to engage with

2/📌 Do you know that posting on hive is easy but posting quality content is not easy?

So consistently posting regularly will help you flow naturally

3/📌 Are you posting for yourself, your son or others to read and gain from your content? That will help you to creat good content on hive

4/📌 @anomadsoul expressed his feelings on creating quality content and how much time effort in doing so. Composing good content has been his goal. Will like to know how he does that?

to me it's doing something without let up. not giving up.

yeah, it simply means that, that person is consistent to achieve the goal

That is consistency and it is something we must try to adopt. Even in content creation, consistency helps us to be more productive and retain our audience.