
Well my first experience in network marketing was in the year 2,000 with Neo Life company

There product i love most was tre-en-en. It has 30 capsules and 60 capsules

Therm product was so good in cells rejuvenation and i love giving it to all my clients.

Now let's talk about there complain which is where the money is in the business

I started attending their business seminar from ohaji to Owerri. It was a very far place but because I want to understand the business. It wasn't far for me

One day, in the seminar, one if the speakers said something that changed my thinking till today

That was, if you continue to beg for money, the person who is giving you that money will pocket you. Stop now and think. Who is about to pocket my future?

He also said that poverty is man-made, it is not original

That day, i couldn't sleep over this two words. How can someone pocket me because he is giving me money?

I worked with them for 4 years. In this 4 years, i learn to be be independent. I learn how to do marketing

I can market what ever i wamy to market no matter what it is.#/12

I didn't travel abroad as they promised us. Although the company is Nigeria, i have left since 2004

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