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Does life seem blurry? Time to fix your focus.


time heals

Yes. Should focus.

Life is all about being focused.

Relaaaax - a note to myself.


keep patience

Relax increases efficiency.

You are very right. When we relax, we come back stronger.

A note to myself too. I am relaxing.

No one was born tough - life makes them so

our actions also give direction to life.

Life makes us tough oo.

Life is gonna end soon. Enjoy it while you can.

still trying

We should enjoy every moment.

We keep trying until then.

Enjoy living as much as possible- money doesn't buy immortality.

life goes on

Money cannot bring back time

Though money buy some things, there are other things money cannot buy and that is immortality.

Time changes everyone and everything.


people changes with time

Time does not wait for anyone

People enter and exit your life every day.


it's pathetic

We should focus on our success

Some brings joy while others brings sadness. In all, we learn our lessons.

Absolutely right. The only constant thing in life is change.

Life is like a new book - the next chapter is shrouded in mystery.


humm right

we don't know about future.

We don't know what is next to meet until we walk in it.

Time has never stop. It keeps going


time waits for none

Time Don't wait.

This is why we must keep going so we don't waste time.

Be with people who make you feel loved.


none but parents

Not only parents. There are some parents who hate their children. What one have to do is wish for a good parent

Absolutely Right.

This is the very essence of life. When you are around the people who love you, they tend to bring out the best in you. Their encouraging words, and

It is important so you don't keep getting sad and depressed. We need caring people just like our families.

Life does not have to give you what you anticipate all the time


ups and downs

Sometimes life becomes hard.

Life is fair and unfair.

Why kill yourself, whether good or bad Joy or grief - life goes on.


yeah life goes on

Don't take bad or good very seriously.

Life continues and the best will always come.

hehe I am always right in my head

Life gives you many choices-choose wisely.


always chose the bad one

Why should I choose the bad one? 🤨😂

Actually i told about myself. I made wrong decisions

Yes, we all do. It's normal and if we don't do this, we won't learn from our mistakes.

that's the fact. we learn from mistakes

Yes. We must give it a thorough thinking before choosing the best for us.

Sometimes you gotta wear a cape and be a superhero.


Sometimes Time is demanding.

Great one 👌

Don't give me compliments. Bring cash instead.


haha this one is good

Good decision. haha

Hahaha 😆 😂
I want cash too. But compliment is also good.

I wear my smile like a sword. How do you see it?

keep smiling

I see it wisely.

Very good. I put on my smile always ☺️

Many people have an image of me; not everyone gets the exact picture.


only mirror can do it

we don't know everyone exactly.

Except they move closer to you.

I leave a trail that sparkles wherever I go.


we should leave sparkles trails.

That's interesting. It's just like leaving an impact wherever you go.

I'm cool enough to make ice cubes jealous.


how did you do that

It means she is enough for herself too.

Exactly. I am cool too.

In a world of trends, I'd like to remain a classic.


Good Decision.

I don't want to follow the trend. It's a never-ending rat race.

Crazy is a trademark of a true pioneer.


Should be crazy to do big things.

What you've left behind is nothing. Anticipate the future.


Should focus on future.

That should be our priority.

The future is the goal.

Be the person you'd want to meet.


nice motivation

That is the best thing 👍

thanks for the lessons

Love yourself and conquer the world.


i love myself most

key to conquer.

No one would love you as you do to yourself.

Go where your heart feels alive.


to a beach

very Right.

Go for what you want and not what other people dictate for you because in the end, you are only pleasing them and not doing what you want.

Without struggle, strength is absent.


no pain no gain

Struggle in necessary.

This is very right. We strive and struggle and it is where our strength lies.

No one will see your strength

That is it. No one will.

No place worth going has shortcuts.


No real shortcut.

Don't be disheartened if you're struggling. It means you're progressing.


Inasmuch as you are doing the right thing, progress is obvious and you know what you are doing.

Progress is inevitable

Think and live positive. Napoleon Hill will say think and grow rich


Mind is money machine.

I love that book. I read it and there are a lot of things to learn from it.

I woke up flawless.


Live the life you've dreamed of.


because you live once.

And money is the barrier here. Lol

I would love the live that life I dreamed of but I am still striving to achieve it.

We will make the money and have choice of living

Simplicity - the key to brilliance.


Absolutely Right.

Grow through what you're going through.


Don't start new.

Self-confidence - the best outfit.


Best lesson.

This is the truth. Self-confidence will take one to a great place.

Over confident bisba snare

If you're tired, keep going. Stop only when you're done.


growth starts after tiredness.

Never giving up is the key. You will surely get there.

Giving up means losing the game

Be brave to live differently.


Need strength to face people.

Dream without being scared, love without knowing limits.


Sometimes loving too much without limits can kill 😂


Live today - tomorrow is not guaranteed.


Not know the future.

Life has no duplicate. We only live once and we have to enjoy it.

Just one life, no duplicate

Ideas are useless if they remain unused.


Absolutely Right.

No place feels quite like home. Do you think the same?


No one has yet seen, the best of me.


Ok. Want to see it.

Eighth wonder of the world - that's me!


we should Encourage ourselves.

I can be myself, without your approval.


Only the simplest things are the most beautiful


The essence of happiness is simplicity.


I believe simplicity is best.

I ain't beautiful like you. I am beautiful like me.
I might not be perfect. That's coz I'm limited edition.


Absolutely Right.

Elegance - a kind of beauty that will never fade.


Agreed 100%

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