Earning is a universal phenomenon of all humans belongs to any country, cast, religion or society. We could earn a lot of things like respect, Fame, love, etc. But here iam going to talk about earning money.
We are all here or anywhere for earning money. When somehow we earn it we save it for future, use it, or we invest it somewhere.
If we are spending without saving or Saving without investing we are wrong in both cases. We should to earn, save and invest at the same time. And that's the strategy to be followed and benificial for us.
I know that investing money is always associated with a bit risk but nothing precious is obtained without risks. But as Benjamin Graham said
"Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it".
It's the unique ability of money that the much we kept them in the market(investment) the more will it grow. Iam adding some words of Robert Kiyosaki who said that,
"Don't work for money make it work for you".
The work of money refers to its investment. Once we have earned it then these money will work for us, we just need to give it a proper direction.
We know a lot of people comes out of a small business and became millionaire, that's all because they do investment.. So to be a successful one you should to invest.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This sounds like a mantra for me, haha!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta