Hey everyone.
While surfing in internet I got a bit about it. I am new here and wanna know a lot about the platform. I just know that we have to write for which we will be paid, but I don't know what and where to write? Means are there any specific communities or groups where we could write about a specific topic? Or is there any sort of restriction on writing types, methods and topics?
As I have already worked on uptrend where there were specific communities for writing your articles.
So my eyes is all on your feedback that will make my way easy to work here. I'll love to grow in the family.
Your friend Hadayat
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anything related to money.. bitcoin.. cryptocurrencies in general.. silver ..gold.. in the beginning you'll make more money by leaving meaningful comments on other people's posts.. that will also teach you things to blog about.. 10 comments a day and watch what happens
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hmmmm. That's great. Means nothing except money💸💸🙂
Well, I'll put myself all in the game. Read and write about money to get money🤗 Quite interesting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta