
Great question! I often find myself wondering about it
I would say running. I always come up with an excuse not to pick it up again

You're in good company here!

I have such a love, hate relationship with running. I love finding that zone but I despise the first 5 minutes and feeling like a pile of mush at the end lol

hahah to me the first 5 minutes are the hardest... I really avoid getting started but when I do I get in motion and carry on

This is a great question to reflect upon! #freecompliments

I'd have to say drawing. I do it once in a while, but haven't really made time for it lately.

Time gives us the ability to have everything - but not one thing more.

Very nicely expressed. How we use our limited time is ultimately up to us.

Thanks! What kind of stuff do (did) you draw?

Primarily realistic stuff (portraits, objects) and completely surrealistic stuff (which I frankly can't describe in words). I used colored/black pencil and pens for various effects.

I have never been able to understand drawing. I just don't get perspective at all. ! want to do it better but I get so bored trying to figure it out. I'm in awe of people who can do it through.

Any chance of you picking it back up today?

I always say that, with practice, you can master all of the technical aspects. It's imagination that you can't teach.

I do understand the boredom in trying to get all of the technical stuff down though. Look at it as a challenge!

What I'll do is make a promise to myself to do it at least once within the next 7 days. Take the opportunity by the horns when it's in front of me!