You got it. Neil Patel perfected the art of engaging content creation that rules SEO. It's all about that clear and concise, yet engaging content. On top of that, the post that provides the most amount of useful, relevant info usually ranks the highest.
Another helpful tool besides trending topics might be a keyword finder. It's just as important to know your competiton and shoot for those low hanging fruit subjects/keywords as it is to try to rank for the near impossible.
One last observation about Google and changes the past couple years. It used to be that organic content was dwarfed on top of the fold by ads. Now it's the same, but Google presents blocks of videos above the fold when that type of media is available.
Written organic content is pushed way down to the bottom or below the fold at best these days. Video and ads directed to mobile users is the new Google fad. IMPO.
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Without doubt, the entire nature of content is changing, as a result of mobile devices. Smartphone users would rather watch video than read text.
Personally, I feel ambivalent about it, BUT my level on engagement declines when I'm on my phone because I hate typing on that tiny screen. Sure, we have speech-to-text, but perfection of that technology remains a few years out.
Google has a huge amount of power and influence... I remember way-back-when working with Spam Czar Matt Cutts over there on ways to avoid having some of my online communities relegated to the garbage can in searches. That said, Google did manage to put a substantial dent in Black Hat SEO.
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Good stuff. For sure. Ditching the paid backlink ranking brought a great improvement to the quality of content matching the search results.
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