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RE: The Need For Hive Power Is Going To Grow

in LeoFinance3 years ago

When I joined several years ago (the blockchain that can’t be named) the promise was a FB or Twitter style blogging platform. It’s good to see this is one step closer to fruition.

I still think there are several obstacles to universal acceptance, though.

The first: the masses don’t want to fiddle fart with keys. When I tried onboarding the half dozen friends who were in the IT business their eyes glazed over when I started explaining the use of keys and security (even though the use of keychain or hivesigner makes it “easy”). Although one college buddy who was already into crypto did get on hive, he bought into the dCity game and then crickets when it comes to posting.

The other big obstacle is the downvote. Now I’m not necessarily talking about spam or plagiarism. More the downvote that comes when you post something that is not agreeable to folks who have the ability to not only drop the post to zero, but also take your reputation into negative territory. And yes I know that might not be true censorship but the hiding of posts due to low reputation is effective censorship.

So maybe what we need is a second layer interface (app or tribe) where new folks join up and their keys are automatically put into keychain and they just have to have remember a simple code to access their wallet. But then what about the master key and keeping that secure?

Anyway, thanks for posting a article that got my brain working. I appreciate that for as long as I’ve been reading your posts or watching your videos you have always been “rah rah” about the Hive blockchain and crypto in general.