What would the plan be for integrating these lite accounts with other applications? For example, if I were to sign up on LeoFinance using MetaMask, and then decide to also load Splinterlands using MetaMask, it looks to me like these would require two separate Hive accounts, the way they are currently implemented.
This is fine. It works, but it's two different MetaMask-based solutions.
I suppose the "correct" way to do this using only one account is for the user to take control of their keys from LeoFinance, thereby converting from a lite account to a full account, then use those keys to log into Splinterlands. But this process isn't intuitive.
I don't suppose there's any seamless way for LeoFinance to integrate with Splinterlands, so that Splinterlands could avoid creating a second Hive account, is there?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta