In recent times, Ukraine has accelerated the donations of cryptocurrency to fund Ukraine's military during the war and the country appears to be making great efforts to make cryptocurrency a key part of its economy. And now, at a time of conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the cryptocurrency has proven to be a key tool. So how are people using their cryptographic funds to help Ukraine right now?
Russia and Ukraine intensified in late February 2022, Ukraine’s official Twitter account posted addresses for two crypto parties asking individuals to donate their Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Tether currency as an alternative to traditional donation.
A few days later, a branch of Ukraine dropped a note under the original entry stating that a Polkadot wallet had now been opened and given its address. With more than 200,000 likes and nearly 60,000 retweets, we can safely say that hundreds of thousands of people now know about Ukraine’s cryptographic donation request.
Donations to Dogecoin will also be accepted after Ukraine’s deputy prime minister wrote a Dogecoin wallet address on Twitter. In addition, NFTs (non-replaceable tokens) are accepted as donations because of their significant value. So today, there are several ways individuals can donate using cryptography, and people and businesses are happy to help. Gavin Wood, founder of Polkadot, donated $5.8 million in the form of a DOT token to Ukraine in one go. It was his promise of a huge Polkadot donation that prompted Ukraine to open its own official Polkadot wallet, which will continue to receive additional donations.
As the days go by, more and more groups and individuals are donating crypt to help Ukraine. Although the future of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict is still uncertain, it is clear that people all over the world are ready to change wherever they can. Although Ukraine has only been open to cryptographic donation for a short time, people around the world have already teamed up to make huge contributions.
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