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RE: Health is Wealth?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

The more educated a person is, the more likely he/she is to occupy a higher paying position.

In my country it is more the one who has more contact is more likely to occupy a position with a good income.
Even if it is a good-for-nothing, useless one.
It is obvious that education makes people less obese because they are already aware of the consequences and the diseases they bring with them.
It would be good for your country to start doing something before it gets out of hand.
Here in Colombia everything is done late ....

más educada, es más probable que una persona ocupe un puesto mejor remunerado.

En mi país es más el tiene más contacto es más probable que ocupe un puesto con buenos ingresos
Aunque sea uno inútiles bueno para nada
Es obvio que la educación hace que las personas sean menos obesas porque ya tiene conocimiento de las consecuencias y sus derivadas enfermedades que traen
Sería bueno que tú país comienze hacer algo antes que se le salga de la manos
Aquí en Colombia todo se hace tarde....


Here in Colombia everything is done late ....

I think that this is part of the world of government today. Do everything late, so it looks like something is being done. Being preemptive comes with too many questions that things have to be done and how to do them.

It will still be late.....😂🤣😭😂🤣😭