A possibly easier way to get started is to do commenting. Read a post that interest her, then say something in agreement, in disagreement, in addition, or even a correction.
Outside of Hive, content creation is not dictated by just the form of the content. There's no rules that the creator need to create the first character to the last period. Curation is also a common and legit form of content.
Another point you may have missed is Education. Writing can be taught. Up to a certain level. Of course not everyone has the flair to be a bestseller author, but many could learn to write well, and write effectively. Do not let PERFECTION be the enemy of GOOD.
Honestly, if I have to start all over again on Hive I will start with commenting, it was a habit I didn't practice in my earlier days only to find out later it is such a powerful habit or Hive for connecting with the community and putting oneself out there.
This is true, some have a lot to say but don't know how to put it into writing.
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Yes .. but the good news is that there are a lot good educational portals around .. and some libraries actually have subscribed to premium packages from top sites like LinkedIn Learning and Udemy.