What do you wish you had done differently?
Right now, I wish I had store up more of my HBD so I can get more Hive presently. I sincerely didn't understand the tokeneconomy though.
But I know even if I had more HBD I would have used everything for my pHBD-USDC liquidity pool. So, this regret doesn't count.
I also wish I had use my Hive when the price was higher to purchase HBD. Now, I would have been sitting on more liquid Hive.
Still, I have learned my lesson. I'll do better in the next bull season.
If it is managing my budget. I have tick that box. Being in a huge debt and paying them off as much as I can has taught me this one well.
Great lessons! I made mistakes in my first bull run and in this second one. The good thing is we're learning, and the mistakes become less and less, so we can do better next time around!