Do not be surprised if cryptocurrency is used in research for things such as curing cancer. It is all on the table as this entire spectrum grows.
I already know someone who is trying to research how to reduce or eliminate aging. And he has a crypto project to back it up.
For a fact, crypto is getting really adopted in my country. Everyone is trading, swapping coins, buying/selling NFTs, promoting projects, launchpads, etc.
And yes, it's changing lives too. We may not be able to pay for someone's mortgage foreclosure yet, but, we can foot the little bills, and help the people around us who are in need.
The generational wealth? I personally lay awake all night thinking about how much crypto can help me accomplish that. So I have a good feeling, that there are more people out there who are having the same thoughts.
It's only a matter of that. We will change the world with crypto. I believe it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Like most things in life, the value comes in what we do with and for others. Experiences are where it is crucial. We are now at the point where we can do things to help those along. If we can create generational money for all involved in Hive, imagine the impact they could all have.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta