in LeoFinancelast year

Hi everyone how are you doing, it's goodbtobbe here with you again. I hope you are all doing great in your various places, it's holiday season and I hope you enjoy the bliss in it


Have you ever live in a community that have no bank and any banking transaction you have to do, you will have to travel miles before you can be able to do it and that is the problem we are facing in my community.

I always wondering why it has to be like that because even the smallest town which happened to be our neighboring town have there own bank but my town is not like that and it's not like we don't have any bank before, we have but none of the is functioning again.

It been almost 10 years that we haven't have any bank in our town again because of the bank robbery that happened in my town about that 10 years ago and since then, there have not been existence of any bank again. Even before we have like two to three banks because my Town is not that big but now there is no bank and the only bank that exist is Agricultural bank for the farmers but that is also not functioning again.

To open a bank account as a student, we have to go to another town which will cost us the transport fare and all. Most people does not even bother to open a bank account because most of them can not pass through the stress of going a mile just to open an account which makes many to keep their money at home and end up getting robbed.

That is the challenges we are facing concerning banking issue. Just to open an account, we will spend money and go through stress which most people can not go through. I just hope the learder of our community can get something to do about it and ease us of the stress we are passing through.

*Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great day