Although I am new to crypto and Hive in general, I find it truly fascinating sometimes when I think about what we would be able to do here in a few years time. All the little and technical things of how everything works are still a bit foggy for me, but I am slowly understanding how everything works.
With so many people really noticing crypto in these past few years, most of them still don't understand the true scale of things. I think the majority of them look at pieces of information like these and just skip them because they are too long or not looking at them at all because it seems "hard" to learn something new. Especially in foreign languages.
The problem here with the masses is that a large group of people in the "social media" is that they are more used to being entertained rather than actually socializing or learning something new. Anyways...
I rarely engage in complex topics in English here on Hive, because I feel that I can't express myself properly (im Bulgarian), But for this one I felt that I want to.
In my opinion this article is a very valuable piece of information and crucial for people to understand in order to begin grasping the many things that crypto will bring with itself.
What I thought when reading this article is how awesome it would be to have this available in Bulgarian for all my compatriots in the Ecency Bulgaria group to see and eventually grasp of what is actually happening here.
It can be something we can link for future reference for newcomers and people keen to understand what is possible. So I'd like to ask for your permission to translate this article to the Ecency Bulgaria group, with giving all credit of course (and whatever else needed). Thanks in advance!