
Riding the Crazy Train would suit Ozzy much better. 40+ years later, that's still a kick-ass and iconic song.

Yes bro, I love listening to his music.
before going to work is what gives me the gas to work.

The other day I read that Ozzy wants 2make 2 more concerts B4 he calls it quits. He believes he has 10 years left, & his failing health isn't making things easier 4 him. He wants 2say "good bye" 2 his fans while he still has that ability.

It's crazy to think that most rock icons are reaching the point of stopping or saying goodbye to us, isn't it?
and ozzy is so awesome, that even with his poor health, he still wants to please his fans.
he is a legend.

Even the rockers who came of age in the 1980s are getting up there in age (50s and 60s). As for those from the 1990s, I'm not impressed by them. Usually I stick with those from my time or earlier.