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RE: "How To CASH OUT?!" - Ask Yourselves THIS Before Worrying About Cashing Out.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Totally agree with that sentiment, I strongly believe you get out what you put in and expecting something for nothing just ain't an option.

I can see how Leo and the Hive blockchain has immense potential to drastically change lives, but those wanting this life changing opportunity need to be prepared to roll up their sleeves and put some elbow grease into it.

Another great honest article and I learn so much from these, sometimes I pussy foot around things not wanting to hurt peoples feeling, but every now and again you just have to say it as it is.


but those wanting this life changing opportunity need to be prepared to roll up their sleeves and put some elbow grease into it.

It's not like someone will walk up to you in real life and give you a life-changing opportunity out of the blue.. But that's sort of what Hive does for people here. Hive offers everyone a chance. What they do with that opportunity is up to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Totally agree we are each presented with these opportunities on hive, it is our responsibility to use that to our advantage, failure to do so will most definitely be something we may soon regret, I am all for helping those willing to help themselves.

Yeah, me too. I'm glad we agree. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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