in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

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To others personal view who is toxic, greedy and player who does know only profits will tell this worst cheap palytoearn!!

But for me toxic people around me I never listen and I stay away from these kind of attitude.

Thats my thought for the day!
End This reminds me of #axie were some players in their discord mostly from Philippines talk bad about the game but were is #axie now ! Just like #splinterlands some already in the discord but thanks to the team they never had that such toxic attitude like when daily chest rewards open they #prayed and do some enjoy trail to open their lucky chest cards and thats a positive attitude in the community. I wish same nft play to earn also like this no negative and greedy players just play and fun!! Im happy with the chest rewards of the day and tomorrow another chest again! What an exciting #plytoearn #splinterlands!


#oneup #leofinance #proofofbrain #spt @ecency @thgaming @doomz @jim-crypto @ultm8x @synister @pansit @captainquack22 @arcangel



I think it would be more helpful if people approached play to earn games like professional gamblers approach their profession. They constantly look at the long run and rarely get emotional about the short term gains and losses. A professional gambler may not get upset about losing 1k in a single night because he knows that he is up 100k for the year. He not get excited about winning 10k because he his bankroll is down 50k from where it needs to be. They don't give too much emotion to good night or a bad night at the casino. Cause they know it is just one step in a long journey.