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RE: Advice from the Heart: Do Not Need Your Crypto Assets Now, only in Years from Now

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Agreed and articulated a really more positive view than your last post, actually! ;)

I see crypto as being like saving pennies in a jar. In the USA, pennies normally are seen as having so little useful value that people just leave them lying around.

That really irritated me when I was visiting the US... all those pennies lying around (e.g. on the street). In Germany we have an idiom around the equivalent: "Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert." -Obviously this is so old that it refers not only to the last outdated national currency ("Pfennige" were replaced by Eurocents in 2002), but also to another currency, dating probably back to a time when there was no national state ("Taler"). :D