Yearly Payment for Faster Horses

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
Henry Ford

The Henry Ford quote is fake but all the Hivers that want faster horses are real.

I do not blame them for wanting a better way to exchange different tokens than Uniswap offers. There is some different technology present at Hive(-Engine) so why not build the better tool based on fast and feeless transactions?

The answer is - wait, there is none. Noone is asking the question.

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I understand what you are saying but i don't see how 206 is subsidizing anyone's business. i see it as subsidizing liquidity providers which is what we want. i also see it as superior to the hbd stabalizer because it is paying the whole lp rather than a single provider.
i do think the tools you describe would be a great addition to the ecosystem and would support a proposal for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would help any dev create that proposal if they would need help!

IMHO, Hive DAO should pay one-time bounties for building tools that work. It should not keep pouring water into broken barrels.

Just saw this and think it's a good take that doesn't get enough attention.

Looking at it in terms of the current HBD proposal, while I do agree with the sentiment, I also just want something to be done to address HBD's lack of liquidity.

Hopefully at the very least, this will get the devs and witnesses publicly discussing what their take on the liquidity issue is and why this should or should not go ahead.

We just need progress.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta