Most of the things you mentioned regarding Tesla, Musk and leadership are actually the reasons why I joined Hive in the first place.
I was on the sidelines when the Steemit takeover took place but I followed the news closely. Seeing Dan and Nathan Mars committing to this new idea and going all-in on social media and on Hive signaled that there was something there. One thing lead to another, I followed a few accounts on Twitter and soon realized that there are a few names constantly popping up and constantly providing amazing content that can't be found anywhere else.
After that Splinterlands took off and alarms kept going off.
That was the tipping point but that is also proof that what you suggested works. If you put everything you have into it people will notice. Without consistency, the noise dies down quickly just like TRX and BTT come and go in waves with no real support behind them.
Hive is the only idea I can truly get behind and hopefully in a few months time I'll be able to go all-in on it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agree completely. There are phases of what we can each do based upon our current life situations. However, with the focus being upon the dedication to Hive, over time, hopefully things will spread as life circumstances change.
Being an ardent supporter does help to attract others. We just need to keep growing the number of people talking about it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta