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RE: Earn $10 a month by having No coiners Tip you the BAT they make from the BRAVE ads

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Careful with turning your family into slaves lol. $10 a month is not worth the trouble IMO. One good article on Hive and Leo will get you that in no time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well many of us are not at that point on HIVE.... especially me myself and for now I will make my fam my slaves on BRAVE because any monthly $10 is more than welcome till I reach the HIVE start status you mention ;)

Well many of us are not at that point on HIVE.... especially me myself and I...

It doesn't have to be like that. Your content is looking good. Try engaging with the community a bit, leave comments on other people's work and share one of your articles on the daily thread if you think it's worth a read.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the compliment, and indeed content-wise I think it´s okay but my first year on HIVE I found it a bit hard to get traction and so I focused on other things. Now changed the focus to HIVE and increasing engagement, checking out that Daily Thread can you just added your article in the comments or am I missing something?