
And you really captured the beauty so well. I wish your post could also transmit the sweet fragrance

😆😆how I wish that could be possible

So pretty. Waooo. I think @carleb-marvel would really be interested in this

He is a pro just learning from him

Good afternoon Jessiana, what a gorgeous flower.

Nature rocks, she gives so much to make us smile and it is free. You can't argue with that!

My day is going, was out for lunch, now time to Hive!
Have a good one...

Thank you so much tengolotodo.Rightly said nature has so many beautiful things to offer and for free ...we just need to take time out and appreciate it.
Hope you enjoyed your lunch?

I love nature and I love seeing plants and shrubs from around the world!

Lunch was cool thanks!

boldlythis flower is very benjoy

Very eye catching 🙂

I bought one portion

This is such a beauty

Smells of freshness🙂

this looks very beautiful, wow, what a nice flower you got there, did you later find out what is it's name because I want to know.

Yess I did it's called plumeria champa flower

Nice, thanks

You are most welcomed