
Mobile threads is working fine

Good for your, it's has not been working fine for me

I use desktop so I don't have any issues. What type of issues are you getting?

After writing a thread, I click on thread for it to be posted but nothing happens

Does the action get recorded on Hiveblocks or not?

I have not been checking hive blocks to confirm that

If hiveblocks picks up on it, then it's a threads/leofinance issue otherwise there might be other issues going on.

So far, the desktop is the best. I can't use mine for as along as I want because the battery doesn't last.

You aren't the only one. I tried and couldn't last doing it on mobile

Exactly, thats the issue. I don't last long threading on mobile.
The maximum number of thread I have been able to do on mobile is 3

Which experience are you facing? I am not having any issues at the moment because I am on mobile.

I recommend trying the Hive keychain browser, so smooth for me.

I have been using keychain. still the same thing

It is resolved now.

Using on mobile... Working fine except the posting image part.

What issue you're experiencing

There isn't any issue at the moment because that is what am using.

It's giving me a headache...I wonder what the issue is.