I accidentally sold some of 500 Pi yesterday at $0.74 not knowing it'll place an order in $1.5, set it on spot. Not checking it twice and place it in order. Sadly, seems like I got myself rugpulled. Anyway, that's a thing of the already and need to move forward.
I tried transfer Pi from exchange to wallet and my wallet to exchange. It really incredible, transfer is instant.
Oh sorry to hear about the price you sold PI tokens at. You should have waited for some more time. Anywyas all this is Free money and we should be happy with what we got. @jessonb-world can you tell me did you do your KYC recently and how much time it took for the PI team to transfer the tokens to mainnet. I am currently in the pending queue for tokens to be transferred. And if you dont mind telling how much tokens did you get. cheers
I do my KYC early 2024, it took 15 days before my Pi token from mining app transfer to mainnet wallet on Pi browser.
I got some 8000 plus Pi token, 149 is transferable while 4890 has been transfer to the mainnet since November 2024. 4000 plus will be lost if the people I invited don't finish the KYC.
Selling at this point is very unwise, you should HOLD at the moment
Yes, I know Pi is better than most, it is similar to Hive, transfer is instant. But what I am trying to do, supposed to be is selling and buying low, I like to tamed the market but that hurts me a little.