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RE: SEED Holdings Report #27 - ongoing diversification

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I remember you saying that you were reconsidering the HBD savings because of the pre-sales. Would that change now that there is the pHBD/USDC farm on PolyCUB. You won't get the interest without waiting or taking the penalty but you can get the stablecoins out at any point in time and participate in the pre-sales.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was a bit unlucky since I thought it would take a bit longer to get the HBD-USDC farm on polygon, however, from an economical standpoint (not taking into account other factors), it's still much better to own HBD in Savings rather than the pool.

You're getting a 50% APR now, which is a 'real' 25% if we take into account the 90 days lockup.

in 20 days the APR is /2 again, so it will be a 25% (real 12,5%). Since it will only be profitable for less than a month vs savings I decided to not change my strategy here.

I am wondering what Khal does when the emission rates go down. PolyCUB would need to double to keep the current rates.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta