I entered the pool from @ph1102 for extra token rewards. I am unsure about how long unstaking will take but if it is going to take a while to get the BEE then you might as well generate some using the returns. When you are close to finishing, you can just start unstaking and sell off the WORKERBEEs. In the most recent report, he did get over 30% APY but usually I think its over 20% ARY.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for sharing this, I'll check it out and weigh my options to see what is the best. I think I will be able to cover costs within a month, so I'm not sure it will be the optimal plan for me, but I won't know until I do some math!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are right about %... And the last report was a "lucky" exception... I doubt it will repeat soon...
Thanks for the mention...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta