All of that will definitely increase prices and I have heard that fertilizer is also on the way up. So I expect food prices to go up all around and $185 dollar oil would be crazy. I guess we might need to drive less then.
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Yes friend, just assume that it is ALL going up this year. And in addition to that, wealth taxes are coming to the west. Starting in the pro-welfare states in the USA and the desperate Latin American countries first, but slowly they will start spreading to all but a few tax havens (where I will probably move to avoid them). Places like Argentina and some places in the EU already have them, and Westerners have been brainwashed to believe that rich people = evil, so any votes will likely pass with ease. Too bad they dont realize that all they will do is slowly drop the income requirement for who is considered "rich", until small business owners will all be considered rich and lose 1-2% or so of their entire life savings every year, that has already been taxed.
The wealth tax is the ultimate evil, because you keep getting taxed on the same money again and again.
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Yes the wealth tax is definitely the ultimate evil. I would prefer the tax to be automatically be applied when we buy something and we don't pay extra for anything else. This means that the wealth will be paying the same percentage and there isn't all those loopholes to cheat your way out of paying taxes.
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Yup, wealth tax not only taxes the same money again and again, but it punishes saving money and being responsible. Better to tax consumption as you suggested!