There is an investigation taking place. A ton of people ended up getting defrauded and the CEO/cover person essentially just admitted to most of the stuff regarding the prototype not working.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is an investigation taking place. A ton of people ended up getting defrauded and the CEO/cover person essentially just admitted to most of the stuff regarding the prototype not working.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It makes sense. That is an easy case of fraud to spot. I am not expert but come on, they did everything they could to mislead.
This wasnt even a case of missing production forecasts or something like that. They didnt even have anything that really worked.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea and their revenue was to add solar panels on their bosses house. I don't see how that is revenue for the company.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL I never look at things that closely but damn, that looks like a clear cut case of fraud and violation of a bunch of securities laws.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta