I think it will stabilize for a while. I think next week, the inflation will be lowered even more as there will only be 1 CUB/Block so I think we should stay around there. Depending on the new developments on CUB Finance, it will end up going up, down or no change.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a feeling that will create more selling, the halving. There are a lot likely in for the early returns and then they will hop along to something else. That is how a lot of the farmers do it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I feel like that is the case to. I think Cub Finance will probably have its work cut out for them if they want to keep everyone's interest. Thus I plan to leave it there long-term and maybe compound it every now and then due to transactions costs.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He broke the price of 3.42.
I will also leave it in the long term, I will leave it at Cub Dens from the Cub's own I produced, and redeem it in about 6 months.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta