The LEO crypto token on trading view and the ones that show up on google is about a token Bitfinex. Since that token was taken, the LEO they released outside of HIVE for trading is wLEO(ETH) and bLEO(BSC). So inside HIVE, its LEO. Outside it is wLEO or bLEO or pLEO(polygon version when it comes out).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Okay thank you.Does all this bleo,wleo,pleo in binance exchange
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No they are not on Binance exchange. wLEO is on UniSwap (ETH), bLEO is on PancakeSwap (BSC) and pLEO will be something on Polygon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok thank you for the explanation
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta