Time for a #boardgame #threadstorm. This is a retelling of my first major post on Hive, actually. Will link at the end. Also, there will an epic pic. 📷
Game: Twilight Imperium 🌌
This is a super heavy (complex) 4X space game.
Time for a #boardgame #threadstorm. This is a retelling of my first major post on Hive, actually. Will link at the end. Also, there will an epic pic. 📷
This is a super heavy (complex) 4X space game.
Playing heavy board games is a great way to exercise your brain and have fun at the same time, but finding enough people to play can be challenging. Twilight Imperium (TI from here on out) can take 7+ hours.
Some nerdy friends of mine once did a 14 point TI game. With expansions. We thought it might take 10 or 12 hours. It went a full 14 hours (we did break for dinner and stuff, but it happened in once sitting).
The game started off well, but as the night wore on, things got more intense and players became more desperate to score points. Alliances were tested, strained, broken.
Fatigue became everyone's enemy.
One player, Purple, was poised to win the game, but their plan fell apart when other players started to freeze them out of point generation. This, plus general weariness, caused Purple to make some big mistakes.
In the end, Blue was able to take advantage of a weak point in Red's defense and win the game with the unwitting help of Green. And some weird expansion rules that we weren't all entirely up to speed on.
7/🧵 Here's a picture of the intensity of this thing:
Lol, that surely does look like a complex board game. I can only imagine that a few hours isn't much to play this game. Nice thread (and idea).
It looks like Catan but for hardcore players, damn I wish I could play this at one point. I have some D&D and MTG friends who might be up for this but I haven't seen them in ages cause I barely have time to go pee
And this is a great video review of the game by the loveable guys of Shut Up & Sit Down:
9/🧵 Finally, my original post: https://peakd.com/hive-189497/@jfuji/tales-from-a-14-point
10/🧵 I plan to #threadstorm out all my other boardgame posts in the future, so drop me a follow if you like this kind of stuff!
I like board games, although I often get angry if I lose hahaha, I don't like to lose
That looks like a super complex game and 7+ hours for a game is kind of crazy. It looks like people need to dedicate an entire day free to play.
Yeah definitely. I get nervous and stress if I want to watch an NFL game and that's only 3.5hrs xD