
hehe, thats life my dear, childhood is a stage of many fantasies, howver, as we grow, we become more rational and selective

🧵/2 The first one would have to be the pregnant woman superstition. You can't cross your leg when there's a pregnant woman🤰🏽 around, else she will lose her baby.

🧵/3 Also, if you bring your head down in a market place and look between your legs to what's behind you, you'd see spirits walking about and if you made eye contact with any of them, you'd die.

I still havent tried this thing out. I guess im still too scared to do do😂

You can try it na. Who knows, nothing may happen to you.😂

Nothing much would happen, I may just see four men in oversized suit with a coffin on their shoulder😂 Dancing happily

🧵/4 If you swallowed a fruit seed, it would grow a tree on top of your head.

🧵/5 Last one for now is, if you ate and kept your hand on the floor while doing it, the food would be entering the floor rather than your body.😂

hahahaha the last one is hilarious!

, haha, the first one got me laughing out loud. In my culture, it is believed that the baby will be born as a dwarf and will also look like you that stepped your leg on the pregnant woman instead of the baby looking like the parent

Many of these things were told to us just so we would act right. Would you tell them to your kids too?

If I'm being honest, I just might. Cause they weren't borne out of maliciousness. They just wanted us to not be overly curious.

Oh well, your kids would be in luck then as they would have an aunt who would debunk all the superstition😗

Most of the superstitions are common in my country, and I have heard most of them in my place, especially in my childhood. In recent days those kinds of thing I can hardly listen.
