I also hear and see SEO, but I never took a deep dive on it. I am okay with the 1st and 2nd one, until..
You will need to have a little knowledge of programming if you want to dig deeper
I was interested to know more about the 3rd until I read this HAHA! 😆
Seems SEO thing is fun, but deym I gotta learn more about it.
hahaha just a little knowledge, I think you already get some knowledge about codes in Hive like
Ohh~ Actually I want to create a website na art related and incorporate SEO (IDK what I am saying, if applicable). Welp~ Need more research and tuts! Waiting for the next parts of your blog! 🥳
I think it is possible naman. Are you going to put some words as well like blog posts? More likely content marketing aside from just pure arts.
Hmm... Like reviews? Yes, can be! 😁
Yep that's possible. By combining SEO and other type of marketing, you'll be good.