Hello to everyone in this community. I hope everybody is doing well. I hope 2025 bring us all joy and our hearts wishes.
I was informed about a game on hive and I decided to try it out. This game is called the moon karts game and as a game lover I decided to try this game out. I found out it’s from the same company as splinterlands, a game I started playing recently as well.
So today I have registered; here is my review of the sign up process and the first look from my opinion.
When you click on the arcade colony link you’re taken to a the site where you’ll see the 3 games that the company is involved with. The moon karts, splinterlands and genesis league goals.
Upon clicking on moonkarts you’re taken directly to their site and on first loook this is what it looks like.

Moon karts is a racing game. It features a racer who drives the car and a car. According to the white paper it is a 3D game which reimagines the classic cart racing games. I am sure at one point in our lives we played cart games, this game is not different from it but you can earn whiles playing this one.
Whiles you play you need to enhance your driver and your car alongside its parts. This helps you reach higher levels and to also earn better. You don’t only need to win every game as you need to strategize to make the most out of the game to earn rewards.
Moon karts just like other games on hive has a couple of in game assets which can be traded for money on hive engine as well. To upgrade the driver and car parts you need special in game currency which will make your driver and car more powerful.
Moon karts feature a unique set up which is sure to keep you engaged while you enjoy the game.
You can play the single mode and also the multiplayer mode. In the multiplayer mode you compete with other moon kart races. They also have a special leader board which is for people who finish in the top and as a compensation they earn prizes as well.
Moon karts require you to have some before knowledge before you dive into it. Stick with me as I’ll make it my work to make sure you understand the game with me. I am still exploring and in my next post I’ll make a comprehensive guideline about it as well.