1/2 - A striking 52% of 18-29-year-olds now reside with their parents, a notable increase from just a few years ago. This isn't just a number, it's indicative of the shifting landscapes of economy, societal expectations, and the redefinition of adulthood milestones 👇🔗
It's common for people in my culture to live with their parents until marriage. The shifting that happened here is that people don't marry until they're 30+ nowadays, while before they marry in their early 20s.
It's almost like skipping a step and avoiding the stress of it all, so your culture probably has it more right that wrong. Here the expectations are not realistic anymore, so it's like a cookie cutter expectation to do things you may not be ready for at a young age.
2/2 - https://inleo.io/@jimmy.adames/the-boomerang-generation-why-young-adults-are-returning-home #economy