
Well said friend, preparing everything for tomorrow.


You post this often and I gloss over it. I needed it today however. Very big week ahead for me.

Time to gird the loins and whatnot!


🙏🏼 I’m rooting for you. Crush it!

Your words of wisdom have inspired me! <3 Thank you!

I think I remember you from Hive, your a Bills fan right, if I am wrong forgive me lol, life long Dolphins fan born and raised in New England hehe.

Nope you are probably referring to @jongolson - he’s the happy Bills fan. I’m a tortured Cowboys fan but love watch NFL games overall. Yes, I’ve been on HIVE for a few years now and more of a devout lion now 💪🏽🦁 @wedacoalition

Day one!!!!!