Thanks for volunteering. If you don't mind keeping an eye on the value in the @terganftp account. Currently I'm powering down to move my HP over to the @hiveabbyftp account. Once that is done it is my goal to build up as much value as I can in the account through #hivelearners and #actifit. Hopefully I can build up about 1,250,000 Naira (1000HBD) in value in a years time or so. Once I've got that much I'm hoping we can talk about buying a property in your place. The idea is to liquidate everything and buy something solid. Yes, I know 1.25M Naira isn't enough but at least its something solid to start a discussion with.
Of course in all matters real estate in your country I'll defer to your expertise 😁
Thanks for volunteering. If you don't mind keeping an eye on the value in the @terganftp account. Currently I'm powering down to move my HP over to the @hiveabbyftp account. Once that is done it is my goal to build up as much value as I can in the account through #hivelearners and #actifit. Hopefully I can build up about 1,250,000 Naira (1000HBD) in value in a years time or so. Once I've got that much I'm hoping we can talk about buying a property in your place. The idea is to liquidate everything and buy something solid. Yes, I know 1.25M Naira isn't enough but at least its something solid to start a discussion with.
Of course in all matters real estate in your country I'll defer to your expertise 😁
Alright, that's fine by me. Thank you