Thorchain features a fee system that differs from common practices in the DeFi space. Many protocols adopt a model similar to Uniswap, with a flat trading fee (commonly around 0.3%). Interestingly, Balancer also has a unique set up, with Pool creators having the power to set their own fees. However, Thorchain charges traders (swappers) a fee based on the amount of slippage that their swap will cause. Gauntlet recently released a report on this set-up.
- Link to the full report - all quotes in this post are sourced from this report.
The full report goes in to all the detail of how they modeled the fee system, compared to the market norm of a flat 0.3% swap fee and the assumptions and systems they used to model it. I won't go into too much detail there, my interest is basically to look at the key take-aways from their analysis:
As you can see from the heat maps in the previous section, the slip-based fee improves the expected returns for liquidity providers in most market conditions. The fee model does well when there is high volatility between trading pairs, and is able to withstand substantial price drift. Almost all price movement that is not mean reverting is bad for a standard XYK exchange. However there are many price trajectories where THORChain LPs are still able to make a profit despite lack of mean reversion. Impermanent loss is greatly reduced, but not eliminated.
The slip-based fee does disadvantage THORChain in a highly competitive market for trading volume, as large trades will be cheaper with a fixed fee. Prices on the exchange still remain competitive for smaller trades, with arbitrageurs able to keep prices close to the values on other exchanges. Arbitrage profits are better in the XYK exchange, but that’s the whole point of the slip-based fee and we still see prices stay in sync as arbitrageurs can still make money, though not as much. As returns to LP providers appear to be much stronger, the liquidity on THORChain should improve to the point where it offsets the fee for larger and larger trades. If THORChain is able to attract sufficient liquidity, organic demand will favor trading on THORChain.
The comments above show again that Thorchain has been designed with Liquidity providers as the key to the system. The "LP's are the first class citizens" mantra has been coming from the team for a while now, this report is more evidence that that is the case. The fee model, when combined with Rune token emissions, means that Impermanent Loss will be lower over time in a RUNE pool than LP's would experience elsewhere.
As the review highlights, the slip fee can disadvantage the system with regards to large trades. Traders will go where the slippage and fees are lowest. If Thorchain does not manage to build it's liquidity depth significantly, there is a risk that the system will not be attractive to traders wanting to make larger trades. However, Arbitragers will still trade the pools, as any price difference between Thorchain and other markets will always see arbitrage action. The fee structure of Thorchain means that instead of LP's essentially losing out to arbitragers, they benefit from this trade and the fee income offsets their potential Impermanent Loss.
The final conclusion is that If Thorchain can attract enough liquidity, it will be a favorable place for trading as deep liquidity will mean smaller slippage based fees than elsewhere.
Why will Thorchain attract enough Liquidity?
At this point, there exists a Twitter thread produced by Andrew Kang which explains the theory that Thorchain will become a "Liquidity black hole" sucking in assets constantly over time.
If anyone is curious about why Thorchain will succeed, this thread is a must read. Reading and absorbing this thread was the lightbulb moment for me, and a huge reason why I am so bullish on RUNE. If you haven't yet, please read the thread. It explains and highlights the Liquidity Black Hole theory much better than I could.

Once again, independent analysis confirms that Thorchain LP's are the first class citizens of Thorchain.
Thanks for reading,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a unique way of setting up the AMM. It's a blessing for liqudity providers as long as there's plenty of liquidity. And if that plenty leads to the best returns in DeFi, I don't see why everyone wouldn't be sucked in. Especially once Thorchain has its own AMM. That'll remove the Binance barriers for alot of peeps like me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't wait for it to be more than just binance chain tokens. BTC is very soon, and the RUNE token will soon be bridged to Ethereum with an erc version. That will mean we can set up a WLEO/RUNE.erc pool on Uniswap. That will make me happy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That will indeed be a LP to throw money at. 😁
I found this new DeFi project today. PEET DeFi. I'll end doing a good write up about it sometime today or tomorrow, depending on how involved I get. Made an initial contact with the Discord team as well.
PEET (PTE) seems like Thorchain in a way. They aim to also provide cross-chain swaps (LP's), and are already on ETH and NEO. Next they want to incorporate LINK to have collateralized PEET assets. Another black hole forming? Lol.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sounds interesting. I got an inbox in my discord from them, but haven't had a look. I'll keep an eye out for your review if you look at it in detail.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Decentralization and income earning equality
I can see how making it more profitable for liquidity providers to be on Thorchain with this key difference, combined with the reduction in impermanence loss at least in theory and the removal of the need to wrap your tokens to participate is a winner. More in my blog...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The key is making this higher profitability for LP's sustainable. I think that will be a big difference between Thorchain and some of the defi copy-paste projects popping up. A "governance" token that shows a short term massive APR, but is practically worthless in a short time due to huge inflation is a very unsustainable model.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True. Traders will have to “Buy-in” to the importance of security in cross chain swaps and Investors in Rune coin will have to believe the project has a future and as you say, is sustainable. I am unsure if just favoring the Liquidity Providers will be enough, but it’s going to be an interesting experiment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have been looking for Ethereum alternatives for quite some time. Thanks for this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They are out there. Thorchain is still building, but true cross-chain pools and swaps are not far off with BTC currently on their testnet. Hopefully by christmas they will have an LP up and running for native BTC - no wrapping or bridging. Then role out links to more chains.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You guys are gonna make me FOMO in aren't you?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Much of the team behind Thorchain are Aussie's. Fomoing in is your patriotic duty...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is it the Hemsworth boys? Hence the name?
Hehe, no they keep joking about trying to get an endorsement, and using lots of Hemsworth memes, but in reality there is no connection. I think the Australian part of the team is Melbourne based.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh this indeed is a must read! I cannot understand at first glance. Need some time to absorb it...
Thanks for introducing Thorchain here!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The full report is pretty dry and technical. I was lost through a fair bit of it, but the conclusion helped.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh I meant the blackhole twit. 😀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta