The gas thing is a known problem the team are working on. To bond, hit "low gas" and then hit the "set gas" tag. Set it to at least 5000000 and it should work. It's still free, but just glitchy for now.
APR on staking is between 2 - 3% daily. it will steadily decrease each day as more people stake. There is a set number of OSMO each day shared among all stakers, so more stake means lower APR. Absolute minimum APR will be around 70% (which would only happen if all OSMO was staked - not going to happen as lots are going into the LP's).
Now we just have to hope the price holds up. I'm expecting a Cub style drop at some stage, but who knows.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks, setting the gas fees manually worked!
The staking APR is crazy. I will probably buy AKT with my daily rewards.