Since my return to Splinterlands, I've really just been tinkering around, farming some SPS and not doing a great deal really. But the other day, a very generous person read my two previous posts, (this one a few days ago and this one 2 months ago) about my foolish sell out from Splinterlands, just prior to the boom that took place. This individual gifted me 25 Untamed packs to help me get back into the game.
When I went to look up the price that those packs are currently selling for, I almost fell off my chair. That gift was worth close to $1500 as un-opened packs. So, in the spirit that those pack were gifted, I then went ahead and opened them up.
Ther results were mixed, but there were some quality cards in those pack and the card value overall ended up being close to $1000. Less than the un-opened pack value, but a great kick start to my new deck regardless. This isn't really a pack opening post, but here are a couple of the highlights:

There were other decent drops, but you get the picture.
Testing out rentals.
I decided to give the rental market a go. I looked at the cards I received, and picked a few good ones that I thought could be worth renting. I then figured out how it works (much easier than I was expecting) and dropped these cards into the rental marketplace. I was amazed when these first few cards rented out, literally within minutes. I then skimmed through the cards I had and put anything else of value up for rent, and they all were taken in no time.
This was quite an eye opener for me, I had rented out cards at times during my previous Splinterlands adventure, and the process was so different. This time around, within seconds it seemed, cards were being rented and then earning me a 50% APR without any hassle at all.
I now find myself scrounging for DEC to buy more reasonable cards to rent out. Here is my rental portfolio so far:

Amazingly, every card I have put on the market to rent has been rented, within minutes. These cards are now yielding a 50% APR. I really am keen to add to this collection now. Let's do a live example:
I have picked up some DEC, and have 1273 in my Splinterlands account.
I go the marketplace, and find a nice Gold foil card that I can afford with those funds.
I select a Gold Pelacore Mercenary, as it looks reasonable and in my range at $7.90. A bit over 700 DEC.
I make the purchase.
I then go straight to the rent option and put a price on it of 1.25 DEC/day. This was just a little below the current cheapest one on the market.
Someone else drops one on the rent market at an even 1 DEC/day. I wait a few minutes...
And boooyaaah. My card rented - all in a matter of around four minutes.

And the ROI of that rental:

So there you go, I went from $7.90 worth of DEC sitting in my wallet, to buying, and renting out a card at a 63% yield in 5 minutes. Amazing.
So, I'd just like to thank once again the person that sent me such a generous gift. Congratulations to those that stuck out Splinterlands the whole time and reaped the rewards.
If any of you have been hesitant to try out the rental system, I'd highly recommend giving it a go. It is amazing how fast cards rent for a very nice return.
Cheers everyone, have a great day,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very nice rentals have made it hard for me to rank up lol but the rental system itself I have to say is pretty epic in terms of passive income!
It sure has been an eye opener. Going to be hard to build a playing deck when I keep renting out all the decent cards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There really are so many ways to earn money with this game. It really is a goldmine in so many different ways. I'm glad you found a way back in. The next few months should be very interesting (and hopefully lucrative) with all of the "new" features coming on line. Not the least of which will be land. I can't wait!
Building up my SPS daily drop, and now building up a flow of DEC from rentals. Will be interesting to see what happens once the Chaos Legion is unleashed, and the effect that will have on prices for the out of print editions.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice that you are able to make a comeback with the gift from that "generous" person,Kudos to that person (curated by r1s2g3)
Your post has been manually curated by @monster-curator Team!
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Thank you, the gift certainly has been very gratefully received and put to use. Never leaving Splinterlands again, that is for sure.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I should look at renting out some cards as I haven't been playing and I feel like it's a loss of opportunity for me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you have cards sitting around not in use, it really is a good way to get some ROI on them - better than selling and regretting it later like I have.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Actually the rental market fluctuates a lot, you have to change the price now and then to get the best ROI
Thanks for pointing that out. I will keep an eye out and make sure that my monsters are earning their keep.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The secret is out. Gonna be interesting when the first 1M packs of CL are opened. Will the Rental market go UP or DOWN?
That will be an interesting new market dynamic to watch. Will the out of print editions hold up in value and rental appeal? Time will tell I guess.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
WoW 😯 ! Some of these cards are amazing !
The rental market is crazy as I have some cards that go to 200% APY and are almost always rented !
I did not see any post lately to know if Splinterlands is stormed by bots as it would seem almost worth it.
I created an account specifically for my phone which costed 10$ and made c.20$ in less than 3 weeks.
Well, they did lower rewards lately as it is almost not possible to get 2k $DEC in chests for such low levels.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess with so many more accounts playing now, the rewards have to be spread out so that it keeps a balance. But what may have become rarer in the way of rewards is more than made up for by the economy being developed, and the interaction between the cards, and DEC and SPS. So much flow of value and so many ways to build an asset base.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I use PeakMonsters, is the internal Splinterlands market better?
Thanks so much for this insight in your article!
I think it is basically whichever one you like better. Peakmonsters is awesome, I love how you can compare the rentals and easily change prices and keep on top of the market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Couldn't find a card yesterday cheaper on Peakmonsters so I went to Splinterlands and got it. It's great to have an alternative each time.
Wow, that is indeed a very generous gift. Great that you are making good use of it via rentals. First you get DEC, then you get SPS airdropped for it. Then you stake it for nearly 60% APR and also get vouchers for that SPS. So awesome!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The flow of value between the different assets is quite a thing of beauty. So many ways to participate in the system, and carve a profitable and growing path.
The gift was amazing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not that happy bastard ;-). Nobody sent some pack, as I did exactly the same mistake sell my cards way to early :-(.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Most certainly feeling very blessed. Even without this gift, I was planning a way to get back into owning a decent deck, this just helped me along the way.
I still look at the value now of some of the cards I sold out back in the day, and kick myself all over again.
Anyway, we all make our decisions for our own reasons, gotta be prepared to live with them good or bad.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, yes. If you are not prepared for what can come, you are like a child. Just be responsible for your past actions. But still :-)
Glad you found something that makes you happy in the game and sorry you missed out after selling out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The funds got moved to somewhere they have done well and grown in the time, so it was not all bad. Working my way back in to a decent position is a fun challenge also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Splinterlands game always sound like movie to me.i have registered but don't know how to play the game
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It can take a bit to get your head around, but it's worth learning the game and giving it a go.
Best of luck to you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for the encouragement
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're not in Adelaide, by any chance mate? We meet up on the last Thursday of each month, from 6pm at The Jade on Flinders St.
Coffs Harbour, NSW. Half way between Sydney and Brisbane.
Wow, you guys still doing those meat ups, I remember hearing about them years ago, and thinking I'd like to get over there one day.
3 1/2 years and I've still never met another Hive person irl.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you're on discord, come say Hi - - Not sure if anyone else is around there, but wouldn't hurt to ask.
I still need to get more into the rentals, my cards are just earning SPS. If I rent I still get SPS or as the Collection Power is considered for the renter, I will not...?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The cards you rent out still count for your collection power for SPS, but not for your collection power when battling/leveling up etc for battling. So you still earn SPS for cards rented out. But lose the collection power for ranked battles.
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This is one more proof for me that Splnterlands is a very profitable system of constant earnings, and what a great gift I hope that my packs that I buy soon will also have good cards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn. That's a generous gift.
Good to see you getting back into the game though and the rental market is booming.
I have 75% of my deck in active rental as most are spares or gold cards a t a low level.
It's earning my DEC daily which i can reinvest to get more rare cards and keep building.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta